Authorities said a spectator faces assault and trespassing charges after tackling wrestler Bret “The Hitman” Hart while he was giving a speech during the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony Saturday night in Brooklyn.


Bail was set at $1,500 for Zachary Madsen of Lincoln, Nebraska, at a hearing on Sunday night. The judge also issued orders of protection barring Madsen from approaching Hart, who wasn’t hurt, and a security worker.

Other wrestlers helped subdue the attacker, and Hart resumed his speech.

Prosecutors said in court that Madsen told police that he “felt like it was right moment” to go after the wrestling legend.

His lawyer said Madsen is “agreeable and cooperative” and has no criminal convictions.

WWE described Madsen as “an over-exuberant fan.”

The “attacker” Zachary Madsen from Nebraska, according to CBS New York. He actually is an amateur MMA fighter with a 2-1 record. He is a wrestling fanatic with a bizarre Twitter history that includes sending repeated messages to WWE stars.

Madsen had a previous run-in with a fighter in Lincoln.

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