Miami Heat president Pat Riley called out Whiteside for his lack of playoff readiness, both physically and mentally. “There was no doubt he was in a bad state in the playoffs,” Riley said, adding that Whiteside and coach Eric Spoelstra were going to have to sit down and fix their “disconnect” this offseason 

 “By the time we got to the playoffs I don’t think he was ready. He wasn’t in great shape. He wasn’t fully conditioned for a playoff battle mentally. He and we got our heads handed to us.”  said Riley 

Looks like he’s not letting those post season comments bother him, as he was spotted at the beach with his girlfriend. That doesn’t look like a man too concerned about his job, or starting to prepare for next season.  

You can check out more pics of Hassan’s girlfriend Ashly Ariza below. The best part about playing in Miami for a living has to be, you just stay put during the off-season. No reason to leave.