With the numerous scandals associated with athletes using Human Growth Hormone, it has developed a nasty reputation among the public. Many people when discussing it tend to equate the growth hormone to steroid use, which isn’t exactly accurate either. In order to truly understand the benefits and drawbacks to HGH use, it is important to understand what it is and how it works.
What is it?
Contrary to what many people think, HGH is a growth hormone developed naturally by the body’s pituitary system. This hormone plays a major role in the repair and regrowth of cellular tissue, including brain tissue and the tissues of vital organs. It also plays a large role in muscle growth and body development, as it is what fuels growth spurts as children develop. As people reach middle age, the pituitary function does slow down, leading to a decrease in the production of the growth hormone. While this natural reduction isn’t necessarily a major issue, as there isn’t as much of a need for the hormone once the body has stopped growing, there can be issues if there is a deficiency of the hormone earlier on in life.
The hormone does provide many benefits for adults, as the naturally produced hormone is what helps provide energy through strenuous workouts, as well as increase exercise capacity, muscle size, bone density, as well as decrease body fat. Professionals from HGH Therapy Clinic ensure us there are ways to increase your body’s production of the hormone naturally, including:
- High Intensity Exercise
- L-Glutamine Supplements
- L-Arginine Supplements
- Vitamin C
- Liver Detox
- Mild Fasting
Who Needs It?
While your body does produce it naturally, taking additive synthetic Human Growth Hormone is not for everyone. It is important to note, it is illegal to take it without a doctor’s prescription. There are times where a doctor will prescribe the hormone, but it is almost never as part of a workout regiment. People who are not producing enough of the hormone naturally may need to take a synthetic hormone to compensate for the body’s lack of production. There are many symptoms which could indicate you are not making enough of the hormone, including:
- Depression
- Hair Loss
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Memory Loss
- Dry Skin
- Lack of Concentration
- Fatigue
- Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Increased LDL
- Insulin Resistance
- Reduced Bone Density
- Increased Weight Around the Waist
The Downsides
There are many benefits for athletes using the Human Growth Hormone. The increased muscle gains, as well as the boost to their energy and workout effectiveness, is certainly something that would appeal to most athletes. This isn’t to say that improper use doesn’t come with its fair share of risks. There are many side effects to the proper use of the hormone, and these risks become even more severe if it is being used illegally. These side effects include:
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Joint and Muscle Pain
- Edema (Swelling in the Arms and Legs)
- Enlargement of Breast Tissue in Men
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Increased Risk for Some Cancers
How to Tell if You’re Deficient
Testing for hormone deficiency is actually easier than you might think. Your hormone levels can be determined by a few simple blood tests. The hormone stimulates the production of the IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor-1. Unlike the growth factor that triggers it, IGF-1 remains in the bloodstream throughout the day. Most blood tests use IGF-1 to get a gauge on if there is a deficiency in the body, as increased or decreased levels of IGF-1 would indicate an overproduction or underproduction of the hormone. If you think you might have an HGH deficiency, fill out the forms at hghtherapydoc.com and have a blood test done to confirm. A hormone deficiency can be a chronic condition if left untreated and can lead to more serious health issues later down the line if left unchecked.