Tennessee high school athletic director Jared Hensley has been placed on administrative leave after saying girls “pretty much ruin everything” in a video address to students.

Hensley said boys would be unhappy with the rule, but that he “had” to make it.

“So, it’ll be like that for the rest of your life; get used to it, keep your mouth shut, suck it up and follow the rules.”

On Wednesday afternoon, Hamilton County Superintendent Bryan Johnson released a statement condemning Hensley’s comments and announcing the AD was put on leave.

“We have reviewed the video content,” Johnson said, according to the Free Press. “We find the comments about young women in this video inexcusable, as the sentiments expressed do not align with the values of Hamilton County Schools. The situation is under investigation, and this employee has been placed on administrative leave effective immediately.”

This is kind of ridiculous. It was obvious he was saying that in jest. Everyone is so sensitive these days. Still a dumb comment, but not one that warrants an administrative leave.