Now that the Cleveland Cavaliers are in a 3-0 hole vs. the Golden State Warriors, the rumors about where LeBron James will play next season is the new hot subject. We know they’re not coming back to beat the Warriors down 3 games. Good luck trying to win four straight against the best shooters in the league.  

From Pete Zayas From Lakers Film Room – whose credentials have been tweeted out on the main Lakers account – said on the Under the Buss Podcast, he was told by four sources LeBron James is going to be a Laker this summer:

“I have had four different sources in the entertainment industry, none of them been basketball people … LeBron is coming [to the Lakers with Paul George] he has had to put X, Y, and Z in motion from a marketing standpoint.”

There has also been speculation that James could leave the Cavaliers for either the Sixers or the Rockets. With free agency set to begin on July 1, we should soon have our answer shortly. I’m praying for another televised decision.