Every average golf player needs ways on how to hit the golf ball further and higher than the last time of practice. If you are an athlete or you merely play golf as a recreation, well, this is one thing that you need to know to get the shots that would make others watch and stare.

The major factor that has to do with hitting a golf ball is consistency. You need to make sure that you can repeatedly get your balls to reach far distances while playing golf. However, we recognise that you must have met various challenges while trying to hit your ball.

This is why we’ve put this article together for you to realise what you’ve been doing wrong while making your shots. You can now correct these things in order to get your golf ball to a farther distance than your previous shots. 

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  • Take The Right Swing Posture


Your swing posture is most likely the reason why you have not been able to take long shots. The first thing that you need to take note of is how you grip before making your shots. You do not want to over squeeze the golf drive as it would affect your results and make your shots only reach a short distance.

Also, you have to move your hips to gain a better twisting momentum while swinging your club. This would increase the level of speed that you can gain. After that, you need to shift the majority of your body weight to your back leg. The right swing posture would also require that you keep your arm straight while also turning your hand over. 

  • Increase The Distance On Iron Shots 

Make sure that the ball is in front of your foot while swinging. This would allow you to get the ball in the proper direction to get longer and better shots. Also the ball would go farther when you square the club face to the ball so it would make contact with the ball. It would also align your shots in the right direction. 

After that, you need to ensure that the club face is looking towards the sky. By taking this position, it would allow you to hit the ball right at the centre of the face. Also, by hinging your back wrist to the front immediately you contact the ball, it would help you add more power while making your shots. This is a major tip that would allow you to get your shots farther. 

  • Exercise

Most times, you want to increase the distance that your shots can get to without exercising properly. If you want to get your shots to a far distance of around 300 yards or more, then, you have to put in the effort and sacrifice which means exercising. By exercising, you improve your body power so that you can get your shots farther than your previous shots.