Currently, the market is full of all kinds of hydrogen water generators (HWG). How to find something really good in this rich variety of devices for molecular hydrogen water enrichment? How to choose a high-quality HWG and avoid overpayment?

Let’s take look at the types of HWG produced today. I shall classify all hydrogen saturation devices according to their purpose:


1) HWGs for drinking. These devices can be pocket-sized, portable and stationary machines.

2) Inhalers. The devices intended for inhalation. Both portable and stationary hydrogen water breathing generators can be found on the market.

3) Skincare sprays. These are usually hydrogen mist sprays (also called “nano sprays”), as well as spa capsules.


How to Select HWG for Drinking

The choice between pocket, portable, and stationary hydrogen water generators depends on the human lifestyle and number of users.

When choosing portable hydrogen generators, I recommend you to pay attention to the following:

  1. Hydrogen concentration.

The main function of the device is, of course, the saturation of water with molecular hydrogen. Therefore, the most important criterion for the choice can certainly be the concentration of hydrogen. It is believed that good quality devices produce at least 1000 ppb of hydrogen.

  1. Quality proton exchange membrane availability.

When buying, you should pay attention to devices that saturate the water with hydrogen only and remove the harmful by-products of electrolysis. To learn more, read this article about the best hydrogen water generators on For this purpose, modern hydrogen generators use a proton-exchange membrane (SPE/PEM membrane) to separate hydrogen from chlorine, which is, in fact, poison, ozone and other gases produced during the electrolysis process.

As a solid electrolyte, the membrane allows using of salt-free water, such as reverse osmosis water.

Quality material for SPE/PEM membrane is expensive. Its production is patented by DuPont and until recently its products have dominated the market. This membrane is used, e.g., in Blue Water 900, Paino Portable, Paino Astra, Paino Greening M, Hebe.

In 2018, cheap and low-quality proton-exchange membranes appeared – fakes that either are not proton-exchange membranes at all or work for a short period of time only. It is important that the device has a quality proton-exchange membrane, preferably produced by the market leader DuPont.

  1. Electrode quality.

We recommend choosing devices with titanium and platinum coated electrodes. The platinum coating should be stable during operation. Otherwise, the water you drink will contain harmful substances.

The cheapness of fakes is achieved due to the low-quality membrane and electrodes. Note that the purchase price of Chinese devices with titanium electrodes coated with platinum and quality proton-exchange membrane is not lower than the purchase price of Korean devices (though reliability is usually lower).

  1. Repairability.

The repairability of the device is also an important criterion when selecting an HWG. For example, the accumulator is designed for a limited number of recharges and can be changed only in the Paino Portable, Paino Astra, Paino Greening M, Hebe devices. The membrane’s life depends on water hardness and usage, but only Paino Technology’s hydrogen water generators can replace it.

  1. Rugged body.

People often take portable hydrogen generators with them – for training, in the office, for walks, etc. That’s how the expensive device can be dropped and broken, so it is important to pay attention to the shock resistance of the body.

The best thing is to check it live in the store. In my experience, the Paino Portable, Paino Astra, and Paino Greening M have the best bodies.

  1. Warranty and post-warranty service.

An important choice factor is durability. Therefore, it is better to buy devices from well-known manufacturers that produce hydrogen generators for a long time. As any device has its own lifetime, I recommend you to find the place with warranty and post-warranty service, so that, just in case, you would not have to run and look for a seller to repair the device.

  1. Additional options.

Many manufacturers provide additional options for their devices. For example,

  • LED screen;
  • bottled water adapter;
  • additional accessories, cases or bags;
  • an audible signal indicating generation/recharging process ending;
  • several modes of hydrogen saturation – higher and lower concentrations.
  1. Water tank volume.

In my opinion, the volume of the water tank should not be very large. It should hold as much water as you can drink at a time. After all, it is recommended that you drink hydrogen water immediately after manufacture. This is due to the fact that in 40 minutes with normal conditions – room temperature (25 ° C) and normal pressure (1 atm = 760 mmHg), the concentration of hydrogen is halved.

  1. Manufacturer’s and seller’s reputation.

The seller of a quality device will never hide the country of origin. Japanese companies often produce hydrogen water generators in South Korea because of the low-cost production and then sell them under their own brand, but the description always indicates that a country of origin is South Korea.

After all, the reputation of the company is at stake which is easy to lose and hard to restore. This is the case with Hydrolife hydrogen water generator – the company does not hide the fact that the device is made in South Korea.