Yonkers golfer Marianna Monaco was forced to withdraw from a tournament and Women’s Metropolitan Golf Association heading into final round; WMGA president trailed her in the tournament.

The WMGA forced Marianna Monaco to sign a letter of withdrawal last week after the Yonkers native hit practice balls over the range into a public area.  According to the WMGA, Monaco hit balls off the Upper Range at North Shore Country Club on Long Island. 

Players are not allowed to hit the ball more than 180 yards off the tee on that driving range. Monaco only recalls hitting one practice ball that went beyond the limits of the range and into a public area when she was told by a North Shore employee to stop. 

 Monaco immediately took issue with her forced withdrawal on social media  

In response, the WMGA released a statement.

“When conducting our tournaments, we require tournament participants to abide by the rules of those host clubs,” it read. “When, as was the case with Ms. Monaco at a recent event, a tournament participant flagrantly violates the rules of a host club, the WMGA takes action to prevent additional violations.

At the event, Ms. Monaco intentionally hit golf balls at the driving range beyond the yardage limits set by the club (beyond those limits is an inhabited public area). Ms. Monaco was requested by the host club to stop her conduct and to conform to their rules. The WMGA reiterated the host club’s request, yet for reasons we cannot comprehend, Ms. Monaco continued to violate the rules and hit balls into the public area.

“It was not the first time the WMGA has had issues with Ms. Monaco violating host club policies. Based on her history of inappropriate conduct, the WMGA asked Ms. Monaco to withdraw from the tournament and the WMGA.”  

Monaco was refunded her tournament fee and membership dues in cash on the spot. So why did this happen?