Jennifer Lopez and her boyfriend Alex Rodriguez appeared as the perfect pair as they worked out together in Santa Monica this week. 

 They look like the perfect couple, and timing in this life is apparently everything. 

While the couple were recently spotted house hunting, J-Lo has reportedly revealed she has doubts their partnership would’ve lasted if they had got together any earlier.

Speaking to Grazia magazine, Jennifer said: ‘[Alex] has said it was too crazy, and I didn’t know him back then, so I am going to take his word for it.

‘And I needed to bounce around a little bit and figure myself out. I wasn’t ready for the healthiest things, because I needed to figure out how to be healthy first – how to have self-worth, value, deal with my insecurities.’

The singing sensation and former New York Yankees baseball star have been dating since February 2017.

All signs are pointing to wedding bells one day. 

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