Astros outfielder Jake Marisnick was suspended for two games on Thursday by Major League Baseball for a collision with Angels catcher Jonathan Lucroy.  The unfortunate play left Lucroy unconcious and with a fractured nose.

This is so soft.  Not only did Marisnick not intend to hurt Lucroy, he attempted to avoid him all together.  His momentum as he was trying to avoid Lucroy made it impossible to stop the collision from happening. 

This is a ridiculous suspension.  I’m not sure how anyone watching the video sees anything other than Marisnick trying to find a path for a headfirst slide and only crushing Lucroy after being unable to do so.

The only thing Marisnick could have done differently was slide feet first.  But it’s clear he was going to do the dive and stick his hand out to touch the plate move.  It just didn’t go as he had planned.

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