The Cowboys beat the Saints on Thursday night in Dallas 13-10.  It was their fourth straight win and has cooled head coach Jason Garrett’s seat, which appeared to have finally been getting hot after a 3-5 start.

Now the Cowboys are 7-5 and sitting in the top spot in the NFC East.  That means nothing but praise from owner Jerry Jones, right?  

Sort of.  After taking down the top team in the NFL, Jones praised Saints head coach Sean Payton and fell a little short in his praise of Garrett.

Via Pro Football Talk:

After referring to Saints coach Sean Payton as a “great coach” and adding “underline great coach,” Jones said this about the job Garrett has done: “Well, he’s won a big game tonight. I’ll just leave it at that. He won a big game tonight.”

Jones was later asked whether he was trying to be conservative in his praise of Garrett. Jerry apparently was flummoxed by the question.

“What?” Jones told reporters. “What? I’m not. Give him everything you should give him for having just beaten the top-rated team in the NFL. You’re the wordsmith. Give it to him. I’m serious. Give it to him, yes. Because we know how tough it is when it goes the other way. But give that to him, for sure.”

The fact that Jones had to have his lack of praise for Garrett pointed out to him, tells you all you need to know about how things operate in Big D.  Jones should be doing nothing but handing out praise after that win.

The best part will be watching this team eventually fall apart.