Light Heavyweight champion Jon Jones successfully defended his title on Saturday night at UFC 235.  He dominated all five rounds and won a unanimous decision over Anthony Smith.

But the fight wasn’t without a little controversy.  Jones landed a hard illegal knee on Smith that could have cost him the fight.  

Smith could have very easily decided to have the fight ended after the knee and taken the belt from Jones.  But he wanted to beat Jones and didn’t want the belt on a disqualification.

Via CBS Sports:

“I said from the beginning I wanted to win the title, and I know as well as anyone that I could’ve sat there and taken the title win via DQ,” Smith said. “But I want to win it, I don’t want to steal it.”

You have to respect Smith for not wanting to win the belt on a DQ.  You also have to respect his toughness for taking the punishment Jones dished out.

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