The Cleveland Browns announced on Saturday evening that they were releasing receiver Josh Gordon on Monday morning.  

According to multiple reports Gordon showed up late to the Browns facility with a hamstring injury from a promotional shoot on Friday night.

Gordon posted a quick video on his Instagram story from the promo shoot.

In addition to the injury, the doctors who examined his hamstring were also worried about his sobriety and expressed concerns that he had already or is on the verge of a relapse.


When Gordon did show up at the Browns facility on Saturday “a little tardy,” according to one of the sources, he complained of a pulled hamstring, but he was fine in practice on Friday, a league source told

Team doctors examined him, and in addition to the tweaked hamstring, there was concern that perhaps he was struggling again with his sobriety or on the verge of relapsing, sources said.

He was told to stay home from the team’s trip to New Orleans for Sunday’s game against the Saints, and was upset about it, one of the sources told The source surmised Gordon was mad because he felt he had let down the team with the hamstring.

Gordon didn’t seem too upset about the news and posted a farewell to Cleveland on his IG story before asking if anyone was in need of a deep threat.

You have to believe that if he didn’t relapse that he’ll get another shot with another team.  He’s just too talented not to.