“Paul is talking noise to the bench, right?” Perkins explained. “He’s talking big noise to the Cavs bench, and they’re sitting over there, Bron and them, they’re all sitting over there.”

“Paul actually spits over there at the bench,” Perkins recalled. “The ultimate disrespect.”

Pierce was later fined $15,000 for his actions, though as Perkins noted, it didn’t end there.

“It ended up turning up,” Perkins continued. “After the game, both teams were meeting in the back. Guys were ready to fight, we had to hold people back. It went up from there. Ever since that moment, LeBron James and Paul Pierce [hated] each other. They don’t speak to each other, even now, today.”

Perkins disagreed with Pierce’s assessment of James in his ranking.

“There’s no way in hell that you can say that LeBron James is not top five,” said Perkins. “You might not have him as your [greatest of all-time], but to say that he’s not top five, that’s just crazy.”

Well Perkins left MJ off his top five, so there’s that. 

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