Rumors of Klay Thompson’s time with the Warriors coming to an end have been whispered all season.  Now that the playoffs are here and the end of the season is soon to follow, those rumors are getting louder. 

The only thing that is believed to keep Thompson in Golden State, is a max contract.  According to Stephen A. Smith, that might not be enough, Klay’s not happy with how he’s currently being used either:

“I’m told Klay Thompson isn’t happy.  His number hasn’t been called nearly enough.  He’s tired of sitting around and getting, and this is a quote, ‘the crumbs left behind by other people.'”

Nothing lasts forever.  It sounds like Warriors fans need to enjoy this postseason while it lasts.

Let’s see what kind of “genius” Steve Kerr is without Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson on his roster.  

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