NCAA bylaw states that a “head coach is presumed to be responsible for the actions of all staff members who report, directly or indirectly, to the head coach. The head coach will be held accountable for violations in the program unless he or she can rebut the presumption of responsibility.”

Under NCAA rules, a head coach can receive a show-cause order and be suspended up to an entire season for Level I violations and up to half a season for Level II violations. The length of the suspension is determined by the committee on infractions and depends on the “severity of the violation(s) committed, the level of the coach’s involvement and any other aggravating or mitigating factors.”

The enforcement staff indicated in the notice of allegations that it “believed a hearing panel could enter a show-cause order” against Self for his involvement in three of the Level I allegations. The enforcement staff indicated that Kansas assistant Kurtis Townsend could receive a show-cause order in two of those allegations.

Responding to the allegations regarding Self, Kansas said in a statement that “voluminous evidence demonstrates uncontestably that he did, in fact, promote an atmosphere of compliance and fully monitor his staff. The University firmly and fully supports Coach Self and his staff.”

“The NCAA has not alleged that Coach Self was involved in or was knowledgeable about any illicit payments to recruits or student-athletes,” Self’s attorneys, Scott Tompsett and Bill Sullivan, said in a statement. “The NCAA has not alleged that Coach Self or anyone on his staff was involved in or had knowledge of any illicit payments. If illicit payments were made, Coach Self and his staff were completely unaware of them.”

Bill isn’t going anywhere. This is the NCAA’s way of targeting them for failing to pay Zion $100K, who miraculously played for the NCAA’s golden boy Coach K for free.

College sports needs some serious fixing. 

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