Kyrie Irving was asked about the situation with Russell Westbrook, and how fans sometimes cross the line. 

Kyrie’s had his own issues with fans in the past. 

Like this one below: 

Kyrie explained that he’s heard it all. 

“It happens so often and most of the time doesn’t get documented,” Irving said. “I think this is one of the first times it actually got caught on camera and you caught a player responding like that on camera. and it’s no justification on either side who’s right who’s wrong, but at the same time we’re trying to protect the league that goes about being compassionate for the players, being compassionate for their fans, the interaction, being very, very passionate about your team, your home team, and who you root for, the players, it’s a big thing.

“And we all try to protect the league and I think that when it’s an individual battle with a person in the crowd and they say something violently disrespectful like that, then it’s gonna warrant a reaction,” he continued. “Because I think at the same time, if we were out and about with our families, ain’t nobody saying no sh-t like that to us. So then it becomes a human being thing, and things escalate and the NBA comes in and does what they’re supposed to do and protect the players.

“I don’t know who’s right or who’s wrong in that situation, but I’m just glad everyone’s OK. But when disrespectful stuff happens like that it’s gonna warrant a reaction. We all know Russ, so somebody says something like, he’s not going crazy out of nowhere like that. I’m just glad he’s OK.”

When asked if Irving heard anything racial from fans, he said he’s “heard it all” but it’s different in Utah due to how the arena is set up.

“Utah, Phoenix, California, wherever you wanna go fans are gonna be passionate about their teams, but that’s just taking it too far. And then on top of it, in Utah, the fans are right on top of you … I don’t really mind the fan interaction, but not while I’m at work … let me come to our office and yell in your ear like that. It’s just a respect thing of the game and people’s professions.”

Athletes have to realize that they get paid a ton of money so people can come watch them at their jobs. 

They also have to be able to tune out hecklers and trolls. 

I’m pretty sure Michael Jordan was never worried about people talking crap. 

If you want to let them get to you, then they already won. 

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