“The events of the last several days have turned Minneapolis, and our nation, upside down. Injustice, death, destruction, pain, violence, protests, and riots have made it clear — we as a nation are not OK,” Fitzgerald wrote in the essay. “We are not healthy. The violent death of George Floyd in police custody is yet another example of a systemic problem we have yet to solve. A cancer we are failing to cut out. People and communities are suffering, lives are being lost and futures are being destroyed.” Fitzgerald went on to mention he never personally experienced harassment by the police. However, he has seen minorities who were “not given the same benefit of the doubt and the same respect that was afforded to others.”

Fitzgerald also brought up Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech The Other America, which talks about condemning riots but understanding why the riots are happening. “We are not listening to one another,” Fitzgerald wrote. “Our winter of delay continues to result in cold hearts and lifeless bodies. The language of the unheard has broken the silence and our willful deafness has led to death and destruction.” He went on to write, “Stop killing our sons and daughters. Stop terrorizing our communities. Give us justice.”

Fitzgerald has been with the Cardinals since being drafted by the team in the first round back in 2004.

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