Cristiano Ronaldo’s new Las Vegas lawyer says claims the soccer star raped a woman are part of ‘outrageous accusations’ that are designed to ‘destroy a reputation built on hard work and athletic ability.’

The Juventus player released a statement through his lawyer Peter S. Christiansen on Wednesday denying all accusations.

The statement released by Mr Christiansen doesn’t deny Ronaldo and the woman reached a non-disclosure agreement in 2010.

It  says that documents cited in media reports about Ronaldo’s Las Vegas hotel penthouse encounter in 2009 with Kathryn Mayorga were altered before being ‘irresponsibly published.’

The full statement from Peter S. Christiansen 

via Gestifute

“I was hired to represent Cristiano Ronaldo following a recent civil action based on events alleged to have occurred in 2009, culminating in the conclusion of an agreement whereby the parties waived all other rights. the breach of this agreement by the other party, as well as the inflamed accusations that followed on the following days, Cristiano Ronaldo is forced to break the silence, being certain that this agreement authorizes a “proportional reaction” in case of violation by the counterparty.

“So that there are no doubts: Cristiano Ronaldo vehemently denies all the accusations in this civil action, in consistency with what he has done in the last 9 years.

“The documents that allegedly contain statements by Mr. Ronaldo and were reproduced in the media are pure inventions.

“By 2015, dozens of entities (including law firms) in different parts of Europe were attacked and their electronic data stolen by a cyber criminal.

“This hacker tried to sell such information, and a media outlet irresponsibly ended up publishing some of the stolen documents, significant parts of which were altered and/or completely fabricated. Once again, for the avoidance of doubt, Cristiano Ronaldo’s position has always been, and continues to be, that what happened in 2009 in Las Vegas was completely consensual.”

“Cristiano Ronaldo does not deny that he agreed to enter into an agreement, but the reasons that led him to do so are at least being distorted.”

“This agreement is by no means a confession of guilt. What happened was simply that Cristiano Ronaldo merely followed the advice of his advisors in order to put an end to the outrageous accusations made against him, in order precisely to avoid attempts, such as those we are now witnessing, to destroy a reputation built thanks to hard work, athletic ability and behavioral correction.

“Unfortunately, it is now involved in the type of litigation that is very common in the United States.

“Although Cristiano Ronaldo is accustomed to media attention, inherent in the fact that he is a famous person, it is absolutely deplorable that the media continue to propagate and stimulate an intentional defamation campaign based on stolen and easily manipulated digital documents.

“Cristiano Ronaldo has mandated his lawyers in the United States and Europe to deal with all legal aspects and expresses full confidence that the truth will prevail, despite the corruption of counter-information, and in which the laws of Nevada will be enforced and respected.”

Mayorga is seeking to void the non-disclosure agreement after filing a civil complaint against Ronaldo in Nevada court last month. The Las Vegas Police Department has also reopened its investigation.