Robinson Cano’s former teammate in New York, Mark Teixeira, isn’t surprised by his failed drug test.  

The former Yankee points to Cano’s assistant being on the Biogenesis list and his relationship with Alex Rodriguez and Melky Cabrera.

Via NY Daily News:

“Listen, Robbie, look at his situation here: Robbie Cano’s assistant was on the list for Biogenesis. Of course, he has an assistant, you know, buys stuff for him. Alex Rodriguez got popped by Biogenesis. Melky (Cabrera) got popped. They’re best friends,” he said. “When someone gets lumped into that group, it’s because there’s evidence. There’s a paper trail. There’s a smoke trail.”

Wow, it sounds like Teixeira has wanted to say something about Cano for a while now.  The opportunity presented itself and he went all in.

Tex probably won’t be getting a Christmas card this year from the Mariners second baseman.