NFL Network’s Mike Mayock is known for speaking his mind.  So when it was brought up that Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson was taking at bats in spring training, you expected Mayock to give his opinion.

Mayock is probably wishing that this time he toned down this response and didn’t go with the first thing that popped into his mind.  Mayock’s initial response was to drop an F bomb.

With the camera pointed at Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll, Rich Eisen pointed out, “his quarterback is taking live at bats in spring training right now.”  

Mayock responded quickly, “fuck that.”

It’s hard for a football guy to wrap his mind around a football player doing anything that isn’t football related, but you have to agree with Mayock here.  This is the Seattle Seahawks franchise quarterback taking meaningless at bats in a meaningless game that could go very wrong.

Mayock isn’t the only one questioning Wilson appearing in the batter’s box of a spring training game.