Recently Mike Tyson participated in an interview for the I Am Rapaport podcast, where the legendary fighter got emotional when reflecting on all the great qualities of the late icon Muhammad Ali.

During the interview, host Michael Rapaport initially asked Tyson about Larry Holmes boxing prowess, to which he referenced the intestinal fortitude and toughness that Holmes gained from Ali. “He was tough as nails,” Tyson said about Holmes, “knocked down, get back up and fight you to death, and he got that from Ali when he was his sparring partner.”

From there, Tyson shifts his focus to the courage of Ali, saying “he’s not going to quit you have to kill him, even when he was getting the s*** kicked out of him by Larry Holmes, he wouldn’t quit.”

Tyson went on to say “I always like to think I’m a bad motherf*****, I’m a vicious motherf*****, I don’t give a f***, but that’s where Ali overshines me because I can’t understand a man that could really die for this.” At that moment, Tyson appears to get choked up when thinking back on Ali’s greatness, saying “yeah I talk my s***, but he’s the real deal.”

“Ali’s a giant,” Tyson continued while barely able to get the words out, “there’s no way other fighters could match him… Ali’s a savage, he’s an animal, he’s a different kind of person.”

Upon realizing the sincerity of Tyson’s words and emotions, Rapaport complimented his guest by repeatedly telling him that “he’s such a good dude,” to which Tyson replied: “F*** that, it’s just real talk.”

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Iron Mike has a big heart. 

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