Sports have triggered a number of different industries from the betting and content writing industry to the filming industry. When it comes to betting, punters get to go through many different reviews and they can read about betting in Philippines and other markets all over the world. When it comes to filming, people get to watch the different faces of sports in movies or documentaries, released every now and then, making their footprint strong in the minds and hearts of fans.

In fact, whether a fan of football, cricket, basketball, rugby or any other sport, you will most certainly appreciate good documentaries that can give you access to footage, interviews and facts about your favourite sport. In fact, there is much culture in the world of sports and there is much sports in the world of culture. This is undeniable, yet it becomes more explicit when the filming industry meets the sports industry. 

This is a list of the four ‘must see’ sports documentaries, so make sure you watch them!

“Fire in Babylon” – 2010

It is a documentary exploring the rise of West Indies, the cricket team that went from a group of underachieving players, largely talented and joyous but unmotivated and uncommitted to success, to a team, composed of charismatic, competent athletes who dominated the world of cricket for nearly two decades. Director Stevan Riley focuses on showing the ‘brutal’ and ‘raw’ dedication of West Indies to winning every team that comes in their way towards the absolute triumph. Since it was first broadcasted in 2010, it has been at the top list of favourites.

“Diego Maradona” – 2019

The documentary on the ‘world’s best football player’ is a tribute to Maradona’s charisma and magnetism that have placed him at the center of football fans’ hearts and have made him into a legendary player. Some five years before the death of Diego Maradona, Asif Kapadia – the director of the famous ‘Senna’- decided to make a documentary that investigates what it is that makes Diego so much loved by people and so inspiring to young athletes and at the same time what it is that triggers his self-destructive behaviour. Kapadia even managed to have an interview with Maradona and footage of unseen moments. The documentary is an ode to the football myth!

“Senna” – 2010

This is the first documentary of Asif Kapadia and it focuses on the fascinating and at the same time tragic life of Ayrton Senna, the three-times Brazilian Formula 1 World Champion. What is really interesting about this documentary is that it uses only existing, archive footage with no additional content and although it does not tell a new story, it tells it in the best way possible, portraying Senna’s profile and recounting his life. It is one of the must-see documentaries not only for its theme, which by all means is very intriguing, but for the touch of the brilliant director.

“Hoop Dreams” – 1994

It is literally impossible to find a sports documentary getting so deep into the lives of aspiring young athletes as Steve James’ ‘Hoop Dreams’ does. It follows two schoolboys’ road to basketball and shows footage, interviews and moments of their lives over the course of five years. It is the absolute pioneering story behind the now-more-classic basketball talents who face the difficulties of life, but eventually escape their fate by engaging in what they love most – the sport. It is celebratory as it fundamentally shows how basketball eventually saves the lives of two young individuals who would otherwise have a questionable future.