NBA Commissioner Adam Silver was on ESPN’s Get Up this morning and spoke about the report Rich Paul complained to him about Luke Walton, basically confirming that the conversation took place.

While Rich Paul was able to explain his position to Silver, the commissioner had zero intentions of doing anything about it.

“He was in the same restaurant,” Silver said. “There were two people sitting there. He sat down for a second, and I think he said something along the lines that, ‘Luke Walton is not the right guy to coach LeBron.’ My reaction was to shrug my shoulders and maybe say, ‘Well, who do you think is the right guy to coach?’ And he mentioned a name and that was that. I think as commissioner, I don’t want to shut people off who have a point of view.”

Silver was also asked about Lakers owner Jeannie Buss and whether or not she’s competent enough to run the team. For Silver, Buss is absolutely suited for the job.

The Lakers are really looking awful these days. 

You would have never guessed signing LeBron would result in this much drama. 

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