Dolphins defensive tackle Kendrick Norton’s career is likely over after he lost his left arm in a car accident.  But the 22-year-old won’t have to worry about any of the medical bills that will be piling up as he recovers.

According to his agent Malki Kawa, the NFL told him that all of his medical bills will be covered under the league’s and Dolphins’ insurance policies.

Norton has already had three surgeries on his arm and will need at least two more before being released from the hospital, via ESPN:

Kawa said that Norton’s “spirits are up considering the traumatic accident that he suffered and he’s thankful for the support.” Kawa also said Norton was having another surgery Tuesday on his left arm and will need two more surgeries before he’s in the clear in terms of his arm. He’s already had three surgeries over the past week. His team is asking for continued prayers and support.

The hope is that Norton will eventually be able to get a prosthetic arm.

Although Norton remains in the hospital, his medical status has been upgraded to stable and his injuries are not considered life-threatening.

It’s unfortunate that his career is over at the age of 22, but hopefully some good can come out of the life-altering car accident. 

The medical bills being taken care of is one less thing he has to worry about as he gets readjusted to life.

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