Dan Snyder always stays in the news. 

Ever since Dan Snyder bought the Washington Commanders franchise in 1999, they have been awful. Snyder is one of the most despised individuals in the entire NFL, and the Commanders’ fanbase is done with him. Furthermore, it has become clear that he is not a good person, and the fans just want him to sell the team. Over the past few months, much has been made of an NFL investigation into Snyder’s front office. There have been rumors of falsified revenues, sexual harassment, and various other heinous happenings. Snyder had seemingly threatened the other owners, although now, the Commander’s owner is facing much worse.

Just days after hiring a firm to help sell his team, Snyder is now being sued by the Washington, D.C. attorney general’s office. In fact, the NFL and Roger Goodell are being sued as well. 

In a Twitter thread from Attorney General Karl A. Racine, it was stated that Roger Goodell gave Snyder veto power. Consequently, this ultimately undermines the NFL’s recent investigation, as all the power was put in Snyder’s hands.

“After public reporting revealed that sexual misconduct, harassment, and misogyny ran rampant for decades at the team, the defendants promised DC residents that the league was going to fix this toxic culture, including by fully cooperating with an independent investigation,” Racine wrote. “Instead, the NFL turned a blind eye to Snyder’s extensive efforts to silence or intimidate witnesses. The NFL and Commanders entered into a secret agreement that gave Snyder power to veto the release of any results.”

Overall, this is a very dire situation for the Commanders and the NFL. Moving forward, both sides are going to be put under immense scrutiny. Nevertheless, it is easy to see why Snyder was looking to sell his team. Obviously, he had been expecting this decision for some time.

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