Nikki Bella and John Cena called off their May 5th wedding in April, which came as big surprise to their fans. Inside sources claim it was all a publicity stunt to drive up ratings for her reality TV show Total Bellas. A page right out of the Kardashian playbook.

The biggest argument is that the timing is just too good: the split was announced just days before the season premiere of her hit TV series. 

Here’s a timeline: On April 15, Cena and Bella made the announcement that they’d split. By May 14th, he had declared his love for her and his sadness about the way things ended on the Today show. Then the pair was spotted getting coffee together the same week. Then there was the leaked NUDES. Then on May 21, People declared them back together. So much going on in such a short period of time. 

Check out some people who are certain that this whole thing is a publicity stunt.

Nikki went onto Twitter and denied it was scripted, tweeting out a rebuttal from a fan. 

These two act for a living, so is it possible they pretended to split? I think it’s not that far fetched. Scripted or not, it’s pure entertainment.