O.J. Simpson’s interview with Judith Regan for the book “If I Did It” will air 12 years after it was first supposed to in 2006.  FOX is set to air the interview O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession on Sunday, March 11. 

The interview is supposed to be a hypothetical confession told by O.J. if had actually committed the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.  So in other words his actual confession.

Via TMZ:

We’re told Simpson flat-out talks about an accomplice who was with him at Nicole’s home. He did not name the accomplice.

Simpson’s scenario goes like this … he went to her house the evening of June 12, 1994, to “scare the s*** out of her.” He took the Bronco to her home with his friend, brought a knife and put a hat and gloves on for dramatic effect.

Simpson then says he looked in Nicole’s window … saw burning candles and believed she was expecting a man to show up. Just then Ron, a waiter from the restaurant where she had just dined, appeared with a pair of sunglasses Nicole’s mom had forgotten at the restaurant. Simpson started screaming in rage, Nicole came running out … and at that point he says he “blacked out” and came to covered in blood.   

There it is, the closest thing to an actual confession.  This is going to be much watch TV that might melt the internet.