According to, Beckham’s video got a lot of heat from PETA who is against Antle’s zoo.

The organization said in a statement:

“These sensitive and much-abused animals belong with their families in nature, not pimped out as props by shameless roadside zoos. “We’re sure that Odell Beckham Jr. had no idea that the sleazy safari park where this young chimpanzee is kept has a lengthy record of violating federal law and uses great apes and big-cat cubs in cheap publicity stunts like this. These encounters are incredibly dangerous, and PETA urges everyone — including Beckham, who certainly doesn’t want another injury — to steer clear of cruel facilities that exploit animals.”

Antle has denied claims of animal abuse during his time on the show.

But if you’ve seen the doc, you know none of these characters can be trusted. 

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