Online dating is now the ‘norm’ when it comes to meeting new people, making connections, and – hopefully – finding love. However, those new to the scene or who have been online dating for a while and have yet to meet their special person may find themselves wondering whether it really is possible to find a soulmate and start a fairytale via a dating app.

Statistically, are the odds really in our favor when it comes to success in the online dating world, or is the whole scene actually geared to short-term flings or romantic forays that end in disappointment or heartbreak?

We explore below just how likely you are to find ‘the One’ on a dating app – and ways to increase your chances of a digital happy ever after!

The Stats

Currently, around one in five serious relationships begin via a dating app, and one in six marriages are the result of a connection that started online.

Further, a study from the University of Vienna found that marriages made where the couples met on a dating platform were less likely to end within the first year – while these couples also consistently reported better satisfaction in their marriages as compared to their peers who met ‘traditionally.’

The popular dating site eHarmony states that more than two million of its users have matched and subsequently embarked on a serious relationship, with more than half a million couples, to date, having married. When choosing a platform, have a look at the success stories: the best dating apps will feature a selection of these, as well as plenty of advice and guidance on how to get the sort of matches you want.

Factors like compatibility algorithms and features such as the tinder elo score can also enhance your chances of finding a meaningful connection.

So the statistics show that – if a long-term relationship is what you’re looking for – then there is a very good chance that you’ll be able to find it via a dating app.

How to Increase Your Chance of Finding ‘The One’ on a Dating App

So, now we’ve established that your perfect partner could be out there waiting for you in the online dating world; how to go about finding and matching with this person? Use these tips to give love a helping hand:

Choose the Right Dating App

There is a tonne of choice out there when it comes to dating apps; choosing the best one for you is crucial to boosting your chance of finding your special person. For example, if sustainability is a fundamental part of your lifestyle, then why not choose a platform that specifically caters to this niche? This way, you can be assured that the connections you make will share this passion, meaning better compatibility and, therefore, a shot at a serious relationship. Similarly, there are dating apps designed for, for example, single parents, young professionals, and the over-fifties.

Take some time to look at a range of dating apps to see how each works: the aim is to find the one that best suits you, and that operates in a way that you feel comfortable using to boost your likelihood of finding ‘the One.’

Focus on Your Bio

Your online dating profile and bio should represent who you are, the values that are important to you, and the qualities you are looking for in a partner. For example, if music is your passion, then be sure to include plenty of details about this: the latest concert you attended, the best live gig you’ve ever seen, and a few of your desert island discs. Remember that the aim is to attract someone who wants a long-term relationship and with whom you’re going to connect, not just someone looking for short-term fun.

And, of course, be sure to include in your profile that you’re looking for a serious relationship!

Get Out on Dates!

It’s easy to get caught up in messaging and for weeks to pass without arranging to meet up in person. Sometimes, if we seem to be connecting with someone well, we’re reluctant to meet in real life in case we’re disappointed.

However, if you’re serious about meeting ‘the One,’ then it’s important to get out on a date with someone you like and have been chatting to online. Firstly, this is so that if your match turns out not to be someone you’d be interested in seeing again, you can find this out sooner rather than later. And secondly, it can prevent becoming invested in a ‘fantasy’ we may have of the person and a potential relationship with them.

It may be nerve-wracking, but getting out on a date with a potential partner as soon as you feel comfortable doing so is the best strategy.

Have Fun Finding ‘The One’

Try to avoid the trap of online dating becoming a chore – if you’re feeling disillusioned in your search for your special person, it may be best to take a break, and come back to it in the future, when you feel ready. While it’s entirely possible to find ‘the One’ via a dating platform, it’s important to be aware that it may take some time. So, the best advice is to enjoy the journey and the many opportunities it offers to boost your self-awareness and confidence along the way. Happy hunting!