De La Hoya was also a bit annoyed about some of the postfight reaction and addressed it in what he called “An Open Letter to Fight Fans,” sent to media.

“On the night of Saturday, September 15, fans were set to be treated to what sports should be all about: the two best athletes in a sport squaring off against each other with the winner earning the title of the best in the business. This kind of an event — where an individual can be called the best in any sport — is truly rare,” De La Hoya wrote.

“And yet, it wouldn’t be boxing if thousands of keyboard warriors weren’t talking (or tweeting) complete nonsense in the hours and days after Canelo began to cement his legacy as an all-time great fighter,” De La Hoya wrote. “Many have told me to ignore the haters; that I’ll never win. But while I know I won’t convince many of them, allowing them to even partly soil what was a certain fight of the year; a mega event seen by millions of people; and a virtuoso performance by boxing’s (marquee) fighter would do a disservice to the sport I love.”

Sadly, it always feels boxing is rigged.  These fights are always controversial when there’s money involved, the more money, the more suspect.