This week a a Sports Illustrated article came out detailing perceived favoritism toward quarterback Russell Wilson. The SI story, published Friday morning, anonymously cites some former and current Seahawks who say the locker room became fractured, largely over the perception among some that Wilson wasn’t held to the same standard as others 

Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll was asked after practice Friday for his reaction to the story.

“Only that obviously I didn’t do a very good job of teaching, because one of the main principles in our teaching is that we’re not going to worry about what’s happened; all our focus goes on what’s coming right now,” he said. “And so that’s a discipline that we learn, and I just haven’t taught it well enough. Whether you win or whether your lose or whatever happens, you need to move forward and leave stuff behind and go. So other than that, I don’t care about it.”

Carroll was asked if he’s ever seen an anti-Wilson rift in Seattle’s locker room.

“No. No. I haven’t. I don’t even know what that would mean. I’m going to sound like Kavanaugh,” he said in reference to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. “I don’t know.”

Wide receiver Doug Baldwin, one of the only long-standing Seahawks veterans who was available to reporters in the locker room Friday, said he had no reaction to the SI story.

“I think it’s just — I mean, wasn’t this stuff written [before], whenever it was?” he said. “Same story, so it is what it is.”

Carroll was asked if he addressed the SI story with either Wilson or the team.

“I addressed it, just the media and the impact of the media and how they can factor in if you let it,” he said. “With all the hype that comes in this first week, just look at the pomp and all the circumstance and all that stuff last night, just to get that game underway. There’s so much lead-in and so much buildup, that there’s a lot going on and we have to deal with it really well whatever it is and whatever form it comes in. So if this is an example of an opportunity to do that, then we welcome it. We’ll take it on and we’ll move through whatever.”

I’m pretty sure Russell Wilson isn’t the only QB in the league who’s treated differently. The position in itself, is like being the coach on the field. As long as Russell produces, and leaves it all out on the field, I’m pretty sure there won’t be any issues with him being shown favoritism.