Two Los Angeles Rams fans are suing the team after suffering injuries during a fight at a concession stand during a game last season.  One of the fans is claiming to have suffered a brain injury during the fight.

Via The Blast:  

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, two separate people have filed lawsuits against the team and the company that provides security for the Los Angeles Coliseum. The two plaintiffs, Peter Bergin and Rebecca Tabacznik, did not know each other before the alleged incident took place.

Barry Novack, the attorney for both plaintiffs, tells The Blast that Bergin and Tabacznik were in line at a concession stand on September 27, 2018 during the Rams game against the Minnesota Vikings.

Novack says that Bergin’s girlfriend was being accosted by a drunk fan when the guy reared pack to punch her. Bergin claims he stepped in and took the blow to the face himself, causing him to fall back into Tabacznik.

According to the lawyer, Bergin’s fall caused Tabacznik, who was standing next to him, to fall as well. He says she hit her head on the concrete floor. Novack says that Tabacznik suffered a brain injury while Bergin broke his nose and dislocated his knee when he fell.

LA Rams Los Angeles Coliseum Injuries

Those are some injuries. 

The lack of security does seem to be a problem at sporting events, although even when close by they rarely stop a fight before it happens.  In most cases they arrive well after the fight is underway.  

The real problem here seems to be the overserving of the man who threw the punch.  That the teams can probably do a little better job of taking care of.

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