“Y’all gotta understand, man, for me to go — for me to take a pay cut is not happening, because the risk is through the roof,” Snell said while answering questions on his Twitch channel. “It’s a shorter season, less pay.

“No, I gotta get my money. I’m not playing unless I get mine, OK? And that’s just the way it is for me. Like, I’m sorry you guys think differently, but the risk is way the hell higher and the amount of money I’m making is way lower. Why would I think about doing that?”

“Bro, I’m risking my life,” Snell said. “What do you mean it should not be a thing? It should 100% be a thing. If I’m gonna play, I should be getting the money I signed to be getting paid. I should not be getting half of what I’m getting paid because the season’s cut in half, on top of a 33% cut of the half that’s already there — so I’m really getting, like, 25%.

“On top of that, it’s getting taxed. So imagine how much I’m actually making to play, you know what I’m saying?”

Snell later texted the Tampa Bay Times, acknowledging that he realizes his comments on the video could be perceived as greedy.

“I mean honestly it’s just scary to risk my life to get Covid-19 as well as not knowing and spreading it to the others,” Snell texted to the Times. “I just want everyone to be healthy and get back to our normal lives cause I know I miss mine!”

The former American League Cy Young Award winner also told the Times he would be willing to skip the 2020 season and said the owners’ proposal of a revenue split is “is super frustrating because we have way more risk.”

Snell is entering the second year of a five-year, $50 million deal with the Rays.

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