A 36-year-old Red Sox fan was stabbed in Los Angeles by Dodgers fans after his team beat the Dodgers to win the World Series.  Josh Davis says he was confronted on the sidewalk by a couple of men, one in Dodgers attire, before being beaten and stabbed by as many as 10 Dodgers fans.  He then woke up in the hospital with multiple injuries.


Josh Davis, 36, woke up in the emergency room at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles with five stab wounds, a fractured nose and missing teeth just hours after Boston clinched its latest World Series title on Sunday night.

Davis said he was confronted on the sidewalk by two men blocking his way, one of whom he remembers wearing a Dodgers jersey and cap.

“Get your (expletive) out of here, this is Dodger country right here,” the man allegedly said to Davis, who was wearing a Red Sox hat.

Davis said he could tell right away it wasn’t just friendly banter. As many as nine or 10 different people wound up assaulting Davis.

“It should never come to beating the crap out of people, you know what I mean?” said Davis, a Massachusetts native who now lives in Los Angeles. “I got a lot of Dodger fan friends…I’m not going to let one bad apple ruin it for me…or 10.”

They do like to say that sports is more than just sports.  Keep that in mind after your team beats another team and you happen to be in the loser’s city at the time.  Sometimes stuff gets real, especially when Dodgers fans are involved.

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