A second woman is alleging sexual misconduct by Roberto Alomar in 2014, prompting the Toronto Blue Jays to launch an investigation into what happened and how it was handled by the team.

The woman, Melissa Verge, alleged in a story published Friday by the Toronto Star that Alomar propositioned her for sex and pressed his body into hers without consent while she was working as a volunteer at a youth baseball camp run by the Blue Jays. Verge was 18 at the time; Alomar was 46.


Verge told the Star that she told Rob Jack, a team official at the time and a friend of Alomar’s, about what happened. The Blue Jays say Jack did not inform any other members of the team or notify human resources about the allegations. He was fired by the team a year later.

In a statement to the Star, the Blue Jays say they were “troubled to learn about Ms. Verge’s experience in 2014 involving Roberto Alomar and another former employee” and that they hired an outside firm to conduct an investigation after being notified by the Star about what allegedly happened.

Neither Alomar nor Jack responded for comment, according to the Star.

Major League Baseball placed Alomar on its ineligible list last month after a baseball industry employee earlier this year alleged sexual misconduct by Alomar in 2014. An external law firm conducted the investigation, and MLB found that Alomar, who had been serving as a consultant to the league, “violated MLB’s policies, and that termination of his consultant contract and placement on MLB’s Ineligible List are warranted.”

MLB did not disclose further details about that incident, which led the Blue Jays to also cut ties with the 12-time All-Star.

Verge told the Star that the allegations that surfaced publicly last month when MLB announced its discipline of Alomar “opened the door for me to be able to share my story.”