TMZ Sports originally reported that the situation was “very serious.”

While Flair was, in fact, hospitalized, his family members have shed some light on the situation downplaying TMZ’s initial report.

Flair’s son-in-law, Conrad Thompson, provided the following update 

Via CBS Sports:

“This is not a last-minute surprise surgery to family [members]. I knew that he was going to be having a procedure done today. I don’t think it’s nearly as grave or serious as TMZ would have us believe because Ric is in good spirits about it, knew it was happening,” Thompson explained. “[He could have chosen] to have it done now or after [attending Starrcast, a wrestling convention in Las] Vegas and decided to go ahead and get it done now because he thought he would be feeling good and wanted to get this done beforehand.”

Flair’s wife Wendy Barlow explained:

“Due to ongoing health complications, Ric was taken to the hospital and is expected to undergo a procedure tomorrow morning, after which he expects to fully recover,” she said in a statement.

Looks like Ric and the family knew this was coming. 

Always nice to hear the story from the parties involved. 


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