Over the weekend Alabama fired head basketball coach Avery Johnson.  The vacancy has sparked rumors, as does every open college basketball coaching job, that the school has an interest in former Louisville head coach Rick Pitino.  

The disgraced coach, who is currently coaching the Panathinaikos B.C. in the Greek Basketball League, was asked about the vacant Alabama job.  Pitino responded by denying any involvement in any recruiting violations over his 30 years as a coach.

“The only thing I can say with my broken record is that in my 30+ years as a head coach I’ve never cut a dirty deal or gave any improper benefits to any athletes.  All you have to do is ask my over 30 assistants who have become head coaches or any player that has played for me.”

Not exactly an answer to be linked to the Alabama job.  At this point that must be his response to any question he’s asked by a reporter.  Why are you mentioning improper benefits to athletes, especially when that’s what cost you the last job you had?

Someone needs to explain to Rick that when asked about the possibility of a new job, you don’t bring up the thing that got you fired from your last job.

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