We’ve been showcasing infamous Rockets fan K. Cody Patel, and his now infamous signs throughout the entire Western Conference Finals. Last game he brought the heat, and took some shots at Steph Curry and his wife. 

The story is he ran into Steph’s wife prior to game 5, and she apparently expressed some interest in him, even though she’s married, and he’s married as well. This lead to his Game 5 signage. You can listen to the exclusive interview our podcast Host Kevin Friedman did with K. Cody Patel below. 

Even though Chris Paul may or may not suit up, rest assured K. Cody Patel will be in his usual court side seats, with another sign in tow. You can see his GAME 1 sign, his GAME 2 sign, and who knows what he’ll bring out for Game 7? Keep an eye out for K. Cody Patel during Game 7, I’m sure you’l catch him in the crowd doing his thing!