It was reported on Thursday by wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer that Ronda Rousey was leaving the WWE in April to start a family with her husband Travis Browne.  She caught wind of the report and wasn’t a fan of all the talk about her uterus.

Rousey responded and didn’t hold back much with her response.

Via TMZ Sports:

Ronda addressed the report with ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne and came out swinging.

“I honestly don’t know why [anyone] feels [they’re] an authority to speak on plans for my uterus,” Rousey said.

“It’s my vagina, my life, keep the speculations to yourself. Leave me and my reproductive organs alone.”

Ronda HAS spoken on the record several times about her plans to reproduce — telling “Ellen” back in 2016 her plan was to have kids with Travis Browne and in May 2018 she said she would be pregnant “soon.”

There’s only one way to solve this!  Cage match between Rousey and Meltzer, before she starts trying to have a baby, of course.