A Russian basketball team is defending its captain after he was filmed squeezing a cheerleader’s ass at a recent game. 

The team said the player was merely “delicately moving” the dancer from out of his path.

Ufimets captain Artem Isakov was playing in his Russian Super League game against AltaiBasket in Barnaul, Siberia, earlier this week when the incident happened. 

After the game, which Ufimets won 76-69, Isakov was seen celebrating with players on the side of the court while the home team’s male and female cheerleaders performed.

Making his way back to the center of the court, Isakov is clearly seen reaching out his right hand to give one female cheerleader’s butt a squeeze as he walked by.

The dancer seems very annoyed. 

Watch below: 

The cheerleader complained to her coach immediately afterwards, according to the Sport24 website.  

Yeah, uh huh, not buying that excuse. 

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