Only a few months after the Cubs Convention, where Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts said that the team isnโ€™t ready to welcome Sammy back to Wrigley Field yet, Sosa emerged from retirement thanks to some photos in a unique outfit. This was Cowboy Sammy

Now we’d like to introduce you to Yacht Life Sammy. The former Major League Baseball is a chameleon, and he kind of looks like a lizard too.  White or black, Sammy looks happy. You can see Sammy and his wife enjoying a yacht day in Miami last week. 

Sammy Sosa’s look has undergone some really, really odd changes since he’s retired from baseball and the internet loves them some Sammy. 

 This is what Sosa looked like toward the beginning of his Cubs career in 1994:  

Sosa has been estranged from the Cubs for over a decade now and things don’t appear to be getting closer for a reunion between him and the Wrigley faithful. Oh well, doesn’t look like Sammy’s losing any sleep over it. In the meantime we can continue to enjoy Sammy being Sammy on the net.