Former Chicago Cubs slugger Sammy Sosa responded in a new interview to people who have criticized his bizzare lighter skin tone since his retirement from baseball in 2007

“Look at what I am today. This is my life, and I don’t take garbage from nobody,” the former MLB right fielder, 49, told Sports Illustrated in a profile published on Wednesday, June 27. “I do whatever I want.”

According to his eldest son, Sammy Jr.

“It doesn’t affect him, but I’m sure he feels a certain way,” the 21-year-old told the magazine. “Like, ‘Man, I gave so many years and so much hard work for you guys, and now you want to undermine all that because of some decisions I’m making — some personal decision that don’t affect you at all?”

Sammy Jr. added, “He’s a really closed-off person, even with me. He doesn’t mean to be. There are some things I don’t know about my dad that I wonder about.”

Sosa is a great punchline, and his skin color just makes him more of a caricature. If Sammy wants to be white, let the man be white.