New York Giants running back Saquon Barkley bought his parents a new house.  The NFL rookie calls it a dream come true and a promise fulfilled.

Something I promised my parents, ever since I was a young kid. Finally be able to achieve that goal is the most amazing feeling. Every kid out there that has a dream continue to keep your head down and work your butt off, great things will come along the way.

It’s also a payback of sorts.  When he was five years old his parents moved from the South Bronx to Pennsylvania.

Via NY Daily News:

The kid known as “Little Barry Sanders” in the Lehigh Valley is finally in the NFL, but it was a journey that may not have been possible if not for a sacrifice Barkley’s parents made when he was about five years old.

Alibay Barkley and Tonya Johnson, Saquon’s parents, grew up in the South Bronx and resided together at Lyman Place on Prospect Ave. and 169th St.

It was a dangerous neighborhood and a place where Saquon’s father said he was prone to “bad decisions.”

That decision proved to pay off in the long run.  Not only did they move their family to a better environment, it setup Saquon for success.  He’s certainly been successful and his professional career is just getting started.