Sean Payton drowned his latest defeat in ice cream.

“What is it now, a week and a half? It feels like it’s been longer than that,” the Saints coach said Wednesday, via

“I would say honestly after the game for two to three days, much like normal people, I sat and probably didn’t come out of my room, ate Jeni’s ice cream and watched Netflix for three straight days.”

Payton spent the first painful days escaping by streaming hours of video content.

He also was busy talking to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent.

“My discussions briefly on Monday and Tuesday with the commissioner and Troy were relative to — not any type of reversal or anything like that — just the play and any statement,” Payton said. “But there’s tons of people that reach out to you, you get a ton of text messages and emails, and you’re appreciative of all that, then you just want to disappear into your cave for a little while.”

What did he watch?

He didn’t say. 

I’m guessing he probably streamed the replay of the no pass interference call a few dozens times too. 

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