A Georgia mom struggling to buy shoes for her 13-year-old son’s massive size 18 feet has received a helping hand from none other than Shaquille O’Neal.  

Brittany Keith of Douglasville, Georgia, posted a plea for help on Instagram Saturday, asking someone to aid her in finding and paying for shoes for her son, Zach Keith.

Zach is a basketball and football player at Stewart Middle School in Douglasville who is already 6 feet 2 inches tall.

He arranged for Brittany and Zach to visit Friedman’s Shoes, O’Neal’s favorite big-and-tall shoe store in Atlanta, which is owned by Bruce Friedman.

Shaq told CBS 46 reporter Sharon Reed he’s bought 3,000 pairs of shoes from Friedman’s over the last 30 years ever since the owner gave him a free pair of dress shoes for prom.

‘Bruce gave me a pair of shoes when I was 18-years-old for free, so I’ma take care of the kid today because somebody did it for me. I’m doing it for the kid,’ O’Neal said. 

Brittany’s said her son didn’t know he was going to meet Shaq during their Wednesday store visit to buy shoes.

‘I told him that we were going to go to a shoe store and that we were just going around looking at shoes and seeing if we could afford a pair,’ she told CBS 46.

She tagged Atlanta’s CBS 46 news in the post and the station contacted Shaq.

O’Neal ended up buying Zach 10 pairs of shoes.

‘That should last him for a long time,’ he said. 

Brittany expressed her gratitude on Facebook and Instagram.

 ‘I’m am so overwhelmed with all types of feelings right now. Thanks to everyone who shared my post. You all helped make this happen and kept pushing me to post… Words can’t express how I’m feeling,’ she said.

It’s not even close to Wintertime and Shaq-a-claus is already doing his thing. 

Hall of Famer! 

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