Moments in our lives that we do not want to forget, and in that effort, we rely on photos, diaries, memos; any method so that we can keep a thread of a memory that will make us relive those precious moments. They might be just moments, but their importance is huge due to the impact or influence they left behind.

NFL is part of our lives and here are some moments that are unforgettable, and we treasure those memories. On the other hand, there are moments that have occurred that we are unaware of – here are some really historic ones – so, we could relive them in our own time.

  •    The Vikings

A miracle by all standards, it had been years and all the Vikings have shown Minnesotans’ for a decade are four trips that took them very near to the Super Bowl only to have them lose at the last moment. Then, Stefon Diggs comes down with the ball, crosses the goal line – a moment in history, not a championship but definitely never to be forgotten. But that is not all, for the Vikings have broken our hearts several times; 2001 saw a loss that should be wiped from history – 3 interceptions and 78 yards passed by Culpepper and Kerry Collins throws 5 touchdown passes – daunting! Recently, the Vikings most accurate kicker – Walsh –not so accurate as he misses the famed 27-yard miss. The moment that most mattered and as such his previous scores were forgotten by such a blight. And, in 2010, with the Super Bowl almost in their hands, then three fumbles that even the overtime that resulted could not get them back what was lost!

  •    Mile High Miracle

Now, this is not a moment of victory but one that one can only say – the hugest mistake that we do not want to remember, but still we do – the Jacoby Jones catch, or shall we say, No catch! Still, that is easily forgotten when we see his dance-like moves in the field and yes, he has every right to be proud of himself especially when we remember that he is the author of the Mile High Miracle– and we quote the Sports Illustrated, “a contest that had everything: two special teams touchdowns, two bombs for scores and a pick-six – all without disintegrating into one of those nobody-can-stop-anybody affairs. The defenses did not play poorly; this was not a track meet. It had some balance”. Jacoby Jones is a miracle player!

  •    Coin Tossing

Heads or Tails – yes, a coin had been used to decide which team gets the ball during overtime for a game. It is an unbiased, fun way and acceptable by everybody. Fans would be frenzied and subjected to the toss of a coin for a decision. Not just any coin is used but a specially minted coin that is later taken to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. And, there were other decisions that relied on the heads and tails method to reach a decision like betting on which team would get the Super Bowl. The results and the arguments were always hilarious, to say the least, but not anymore as this tradition has had a stop put to it in 2010.

  •    Iconic Quarterback

Always called in to save the day, this 6ft 1in quarterback spent most of the time on the bench, waiting to be called at the last moment – until that moment when Tuanigamanuolepola took the place of Jalen Hurts and with a 6-yard touchdown that was followed closely by a 7-yard touchdown pass – he sent the game to overtime. It signified the true beginning for this quarterback who has since been making hit after hit. It was a blueprint for him, a style that would take him to a Heisman Trophy finalist and we will always remember that 41-yard walk-off – the beginning of things for him and the end of an era for others that had forced him to sit his turn at the bench time and again.

  •   Tom Brady Era

Now, here is not a moment but a player who does not let anything get in the way of winning a game: second-biggest runner up, he is the seventh QB to win Super Bowls back to back, most Super Bowls to be won by a QB, and wins a Super Bowl with a broken right thumb, to say the least. This is a player to be treasured above any other! In his honor, we will take a moment to remember that moment when he took the place of Bledsoe – hit by Mo Lewis and suffering a sheared blood vessel – and at that point, he was still just a nonentity in football. He made his mark that day and has been doing so ever since. You can buy no fee NFL tickets from here to see the legend when he performs live in front of you.

  •    School!

Michigan is a football school but that has only come about due to moments that made it so. Some of these are when we remember; there streaking down the sideline, Denard Robinson against Notre Dame, or maybe Desmond Howard as he poses in the end zone ready to strike, and we have seen Trey Burke as he forces Kansas into overtime – all iconic moments that now make Michigan the school it has become. It has become an inspiring source of learning for up and coming players and teams alike.

  •    The Drive

The Drive – nicknamed for the fact that John Elway drove a 98-yard in Cleveland and thus sending Denver to the Super Bowl. It was a moment in time, bad for Cleveland fans, and iconic for both John Elway and Denver fans but also for all NFL spectators. It is an infamous moment and has been that way since 1987, a moment in history that marks John Elway at his own pinnacle.

NFL will never stop surprising us, and fans know that no two games are ever similar, but it is these unprecedented moments that make history and stay with us – always; be it a favorite team or a player who shows us moves that leaves us awestruck!