After hearing that Shaquille O’Neal said his Los Angeles Lakers teams that won three titles in a row could “easily” beat the Warriors, Curry was not having it. 

“Oh, he’s dead wrong,” Curry told ESPN, with a confident smile, prior to Wednesday night’s game against the Toronto Raptors. “

O’Neal told USA Today Sports that he doesn’t think it would be a contest if the teams met.

O’Neal’s comments came up when Curry was asked what’s it like for him and his teammates to be compared to the Michael Jordan/Scottie Pippen-led Chicago Bulls teams that won back-to-back-to-back titles on two separate occasions during the 1990s.

Curry acknowledged that he finds it “hard” to compare teams from different parts of history.

“For me, I think it’s a tough conversation because I’ve always found it hard to compare eras to each other,” Curry said. “But in terms of having three banners up there and create parallels and comparisons to how they dominated the league through their run to what we’re doing now, I think that speaks a lot on its own. Just in terms of us accomplishing the goal and fulfilling the potential that we have.

“And we’re still in the middle of it, so — I laugh sometimes, I saw Shaq today talked about his three-peat championship team would have destroyed us for whatever reason. All those conversations are just entertaining because (1) who knows? (2) the game is so different. Teams that dominated their respective eras need to be left alone in terms of what that means. Hopefully that’s how they’ll approach us when they talk about us 20, 30 years from now looking back.”

Everyone forgets just how dominant Shaq was. There’s no doubt he would single-handedly destroy the Warriors in the paint. 

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