Terrell Owens has always been a guy to speak his mind.  So when he shared his thoughts on Dallas Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett he didn’t hold back.

The 44 year old former Cowboy said the Cowboys were at a standstill with Garrett and it’s mind boggling to him how Garrett still has a job.

Via Sports Day:

“At the end at the day, how can you keep allowing the players to be the scapegoat for what’s not happening, especially when you have a head coach that’s supposed to be offensive-minded? They’re supposed to direct and lead the team to where it hasn’t gotten in a number of years, and they’ve pretty much been in a standstill under coach Jason Garrett.”

How do you think the blame avoids Garrett?

“I have no idea. You know what’s really tough? When you really look at it, it doesn’t make sense for Jason Garrett to continue to have his job. [The organization is] not really expanding or progressing even as a team under his coaching tenure there.

“Let’s bring up basketball for a minute. Here you have Dwane Casey of the Toronto Raptors. This guy was voted unanimously coach of the year, has taken Toronto to the playoffs, had three straight years of 50-plus wins and then they don’t make it beyond what the expectations are within that organization and he gets fired. And then you have Jason Garrett who has no accomplishments not even close to that and he continues to still have a job.

“It all boils down to players being the scapegoat for his inability to lead the team as he should. For me it’s mind-boggling. I don’t understand. And I think Jerry [Jones] — again he’s the owner at the end of the day, he has to feel good with himself about the decisions — but I just don’t understand why this guy [Garrett] still has a job.”

T.O. is far from the only person who is confused, based on the on field results, as to how Garrett still has his job.  But the answer to why he is still the head coach is a simple one.  

Garrett is a yes man who offers absolutely no resistance to anything Jerry Jones wants to do.  As long as he remains unwilling to push back, he’ll be the head coach, no matter how many underwhelming seasons he has.