Cleveland Indians manager Terry Francona went skydiving for the first time during spring training last week at Skydive21 in Arizona.  He liked it so much that he decided to return for a second time on Thursday with members of the coaching staff and front office.

Via TMZ Sports:

The Indians skipper went skydiving for the first time last week … and the dude had so much fun, he had to share it with other people on the team. 

Tito took 12 members of his coaching staff and front office out for some team building on Thursday … somehow managing to persuade everyone to take the biggest jump of their lives … and the video is awesome!!!

Nothing says team building like jumping out of an airplane.  The possibility of everything going horribly wrong and ending in death has a way of bringing people closer. 

This experience makes the Indians a clear front-runner in the central.  I don’t see any other teams jumping out of planes right before the season starts.  They must not want it as much as the Indians do.

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